Saturday, October 17, 2009

We have a Winner!

We have a Winner of "Name my Doll" contest!

Donnely from All my Sisters! Congratulations Donnely!   I know that Namba Teeke will love his new home! May he Awaken your Spirit to wonderful creative inpiration and every thing in your life!

Since I made this doll I have had so many inquiries about him. I will be making others similar to this one soon

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Autumn Spirit Doll

This was a total inspiration for me. I have been working on other dolls and this one came out from no where. I hand made her polymer clay face and painted it, used orange material which I primed, so she smells like vanilla and cinnamon, added some yarn and black wool fiber for hair, used my sheer gold brown material for her dress with primmed cheese cloth and added some beads. She was completely made from scraps laying on my sewing table.

My Goddess Doll Swap

I just love doing swaps! I am in a group and we have these every now and then, and they are just a blast! This time we are doing a swap and the theme is Autumn Goddess. I did her a little different than most of my Goddess dolls. I like this design very much too!

She has legs and her arms are wire wrapped with black pipe cleaners with gold polymer clay hands. She wears a sheer golden brown skirt and hand painted face. Her hair is moss green wool fiber and in a bun in the back. She was a great joy to make! I just know that my swap partner will enjoy her too!

Although this doll went to my swap partner I have had many request for her and I sell style doll for on my website too.

New Pics and some odds and ends

Well after looking at my pictures of my dolls, I have decided that I need to take new pictures of them. I am not that good at taking pictures and my dolls don't have good lighting and too much shadows around them. This will probably be an afternoon event for me and have been looking around the house to do the shots. I have found where someone talks about how to take pictures of your dolls and will be using this as a guide.. I wish I could find a place to set up and keep it set up to take pictures all the time, but space is precious in this little apartment! LOL

I still have a couple of dolls to finish for swaps, the last minute details is all that is left, and I will be able to send them out. I have been fretting alot over a challenge that ends in Nov, and I finally got some inspiration for it, took some notes and will be able to take on that challenge as soon as my swap dolls are done.. thank goodness.

I have two very detailed ideas for a couple of dolls and have the materials already purchased for them, one will be an Egyptian Goddess and the other is a Spirit doll. The Spirit doll will be knew for me, since so far my dolls are mainly Goddess dolls and Tribal dolls.

I will be setting up a new contest very soon for Yule/Christmas for my website. Got some ideas and will see what comes about. My first is going quite well and will be done Oct 16th with the winner of my Namba Teeke doll annouced on Oct 17th. I will really miss this doll, he has been sitting in my studio keeping me company for so long. He was such a delight to make.

Mermaid Doll My Biggest Adventure Yet!

I had an inspiration to make a mermaid doll, well I just finished her. I am so happy with the way she turned out. I actually started out wanting to make a fairy, but as I was laying out my cloth and pattern for my fairy, she came into my head and I could help myself, she just wanted so bad to come out! I used my usual Goddess doll pattern and made some changes and added a tail. I found that I had everything around the house to bring her about.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Red Flannel Goddess

This is my version of the Red Flannel Goddess. I made her in honor of Red Flannel Days here in Cedar Springs Mi, which celebrates "Red Flannels or the Union Suite" from which the very first Union was started. We have a wonderful parade, battle of the Bands, Arts and Crafts and many other activities that have been going on now for 70 years. What is most fun is everyone tries to wear red or you could go to jail by the Keystone Cops!