Thursday, August 20, 2009


This little birdie was fun to make, I changed the pattern some made the tail and wings bigger. I think he is so cute! He has painted eyes and a polyclay beak and wire feet.

Summer Goddess Swap

I just love this doll, I had so much fun making her. I found this pattern and it just spoke to me.. make me.. make me.. lol I truly hope that my swap partner enjoys her as much as I have, in both who she is and how much I truly enjoyed her coming into creation!

I have to admit that some parts of this doll I have never done before. I used polyclay for the arms that is new to me and attaching her to a stand is something I never done before either.

Don't you just love that face and expression!

Bride and Groom

This is the Bride and Groom that I made for a wedding couple getting married this Aug 22nd.

I just fell in love with this pattern which is actually a Goddess pattern by Lisa Li Hertzi.

To the Bride, I added pearl beads to the dress hem, sleeves and around the neck and to the veil, and silver beads to the body of the dress.

The Groom's body is white for the shirt and bottom half is black for the pants, I added a collar and a bow tie, his black jacket is in tails.

This is the back view of the dolls. I put them on a wooden stand, and added their names and their wedding date on the wood too.