Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hello everyone!  I am so excited I have done some new creating, fixed up my sewing room.  I have a nice new working table that has six cube areas on each side to put my material, and other things I need to create my dolls with. Gives me lots of space to put things in, and next to it is my sewing table.

I have used this area to make one doll so far and found that I really like it.  It has also given me ideas on improving what I do have and how to lay out the things I have in my cubes, and on top I have a file that has all my patterns.  This area I can actually cut out the material from the patterns and have room to do it without going to my kitchen table if I need extra room.  I can also sit there and do my beading or painting if I was too. Makes my sewing/computer room very versatile in what I want to work on. 

I will be making a special picture box to take pictures of my dolls next and once it is finished I hope to take real nice pictures then. Once done I will be snapping pics of the two new dolls that I have done.